Vehicle Registration


The accurate registration of every motor vehicle and motorcycle in a state, province, territory or country is the foundation of security pertaining to motor vehicles. Eurosign’s DRIVE, Vehicle Registration Module (VRM)  records all relevant data of motor vehicles and stores for future use by government agencies. These agencies can include Home Affairs/Interior (Law Enforcement/Judicial), Finance/Inland Revenue, Transport and others selected by the government. Law enforcement and insurance industry protocols are implemented to create an accurate record of each vehicle.
























Registration of every motor vehicle and motorcycle in a state, province, territory or country is the foundation of security pertaining to motor vehicles.  Eurosign’s DRIVE, Vehicle Registration Module (VRM)  records all relevant data of motor vehicles and stores for future use by government agencies.  These agencies can include Home Affairs/Interior (Law Enforcement/Judicial), Finance/Inland Revenue, Transport and others selected by the government.  Law enforcement and insurance industry protocols are implemented to create an accurate record of each vehicle.





boltImproved vehicle registration accuracy storing vehicle ownership information by Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)

moneyEnhanced collection of fees and taxes by accurately classifying vehicles by value , class, weight, use etc…

docAll documents supplied by vehicle owner and inspection report are stored in the data file of vehicle owner

cpuAutomated issue of license plates, registration document and windshield decal

cpuFuture renewals are made easier and may be completed online

checkValidation of documents instantly by DRIVE

barLaw Enforcement on patrol can easily retrieve vehicle and driver information from DRIVE central database using inexpensive technology

clipboardReports detailing in documents issued, inventory and revenues


Visible to law enforcement and to security cameras

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Motor Vehicle Registration