About Eurosign

Eurosign is a leading integrated provider of motor vehicle and driver identification systems designed specifically fordeveloping nations.  From high-security license plates, tamper-evident expiration decals, vehicle registration documents, enhanced driver licenses to our awesome software systems which generates and validates these documents in real time while enhancing revenue collection.  Governments rely on Eurosign to seamlessly deliver our products and services expeditiously and at affordable investments.

Eurosign’s specialists, with extensive experience in developing countries, consult with governments in order to structure specialized solutions for their countries. Carefully selected technologies are implemented with concentrated training of a local workforce – the people who will interact with and manage Eurosign’s solution systems and customers in each country. Training of the local workforce is the only way to ensure seamless applications and achieve desired outcomes for governments and citizens.

Eurosign is a Single Source Solution for Driver & Vehicle Registration

  • Driving Licenses & National ID Cards
  • Vehicle Registration + seamless document generation
  • License Plates – Design & Manufacturing
  • DRIVE Software Solution – integrates enrollment, document generation and real time data retrieval by Law Enforcement in the field.

Our Vision: Enable developing countries enhance public safety

Our Mantra: >> People + Technology for a Safer World


We are different because we measure our success by the real benefits recorded in the countries where our solutions have been implemented. The results recorded by our customers will determine our long-term viability.


Eurosign understands our long term success has a direct link to the success of the products we recommend to our customers.  Many foreign companies operating in developing countries, recommend products motivated mainly by profit.  Some of these companies sell developing countries license plates loaded with added-cost “security” features – some of which can only be uncovered by a forensic inspection of the license plate.  Many of these features are of little importance to field law enforcement who must make quick decisions in crowded roadways.  Many of these expensive “security features” are not required in developed countries.  Eurosign success is based on fairness and honesty.


Developing countries have been sold expensive RFID vehicle identification solutions by foreign companies. Virtually no EU country has mandated RFID solutions because this expensive technology offers minimal returns for the investment. The United States, China, Japan and other developed countries have not implemented RFID in motor vehicle registration. Eurosign prefers ALPR (Automatic License Plate Recognition). Our driver and vehicle identification solution is less expensive than RFID and enables field law enforcement to make much better decisions in their quest to maximize public safety.